Sunday, February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day / Anniversary Surprise!

Today I got the shock of my life!  I had been looking at all the wonderful presents that most wives on Facebook had received from their husband over Valentine's Day and I'll be honest I was very jealous that I didn't even get a card.  Well Rob even told me that he was going to work next weekend which is our 24th Anniversary.  I couldn't help but feel a little unloved!  It had really been eating at me and finally tonight I just kinda really laid it out to him.  Well he just said I basically ruin every surprise he ever tries to do by getting upset...well...he could have played this a little better...but...he surprised the heck out of me by buying me 1 karat black diamond earrings!  OH MY GOODNESS!  They are gorgeous!  I love them!  I felt so bad and apologized for being such a brat.  I guess he had gotten them when we were shopping yesterday and was going to give them to me next weekend when he surprised me with a night out in a hotel!  Well that just stinks that I ruined the surprise...but he surprised the heck out of me with the earrings anyway!  He is such a sweetheart!  I do underestimate him sometimes!  I just love him so much!

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